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hydra clients delete

hydra clients delete

Delete an OAuth 2.0 Client


This command deletes one or more OAuth 2.0 Clients by their respective IDs.

Example: hydra clients delete client-1 client-2 client-3

hydra clients delete <id> [<id>...] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

      --access-token string    Set an access token to be used in the Authorization header, defaults to environment variable OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN
--endpoint string Set the URL where Ory Hydra is hosted, defaults to environment variable HYDRA_ADMIN_URL. A unix socket can be set in the form unix:///path/to/socket
--fail-after duration Stop retrying after the specified duration (default 1m0s)
--fake-tls-termination Fake tls termination by adding "X-Forwarded-Proto: https" to http headers
--skip-tls-verify Foolishly accept TLS certificates signed by unknown certificate authorities