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hydra get jwk

hydra get jwk

Get one or more JSON Web Key Set by its ID(s)


This command gets all the details about an JSON Web Key. You can use this command in combination with jq.

hydra get jwk set-1 [set-2] ... [flags]


To get the JSON Web Key Set's secret, run:

{{ .CommandPath }} <set-id> | jq -r '.[].use'


  -h, --help   help for jwk

Options inherited from parent commands

  -e, --endpoint string   The API URL this command should target. Alternatively set using the ORY_SDK_URL environmental variable.
--format string Set the output format. One of table, json, yaml, json-pretty, jsonpath and jsonpointer. (default "default")
-H, --http-header : A list of additional HTTP headers to set. HTTP headers is separated by a : , for example: `-H 'Authorization: bearer some-token'`.
-q, --quiet Be quiet with output printing.
--skip-tls-verify Do not verify TLS certificates. Useful when dealing with self-signed certificates. Do not use in production!